Correspondence history between Lea and Whitmore


Monday, July 6, 2009


 Correspondence history between Pastor Kevin Lea and John Whitmore
      pertaining to Pastor Kevin’s July 6, 2009 letter documenting
        Dr. Austin’s plagiarism and poor science being featured
                            in AiG’s museum
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Lea" <kevinXXX >
> To: <johnXXX >
> Cc: "Walt Brown" <waltXXX>; <kevinXXX >
> Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 7:29 PM
> Subject: Letter from Pastor Kevin Lea - Plagiarism in AiG Museum
July 6, 2009
Dear Dr. Whitmore,
I have attached a preliminary letter that I believe requires your very careful attention and response. It
documents Dr. Austin's plagiarism of Dr. Brown's work on the Grand Canyon and, more importantly,
how Dr. Austin's actions have had such a detrimental effect on the creation science movement.
As you know, you have become involved in this dispute because of Austin's attempt to cover up his
plagiarism by using your 1985 term paper (and specifically your map showing the Bidahochi Formation).
You may recall that on April 18, 2008, I emailed you making a second and final request that you send me
a copy of your 1985 term paper so that I could review the documentation and correct the record
accordingly. You never did.
As you read the attached, you will see that the letter and its two attachments contain links to documents
which contain Austin's own words which prove that he plagiarized Dr. Brown. It also documents your
involvement in his attempts to cover up his plagiarism, including sections of emails that you and I traded
over a year ago. I told you then that unless you and Austin could provide documentation to support your
rebuttals, that the entire matter will go public on the internet and in a book.
Dr. Whitmore, now is the time for you to refute my letter and to show that your work in 1985 supports
what you and Austin have claimed.
I want to give you every opportunity to correct me if I have misunderstood the matter in any way.
If you can provide documentation showing where I have erred, I will make the necessary corrections. If
you cannot (and others who are also being solicited for rebuttal and comment cannot), then the attached
letter with its Attachments will be posted at our website as written. It will also be distributed to about 200
creationist organizations with a website presence.
You may note that some of the links are not yet active, but they will be by the time of actual posting in
early August.
I encourage you to stop propping up Austin's deceptions, and instead start taking steps that can undo the
damage you and Austin have already caused the Creation Science community.
You may not realize that on 5-6-2008 Dr. Brown sent Dr. Austin a copy of Endnote 34 in Brown's Grand
Canyon chapter. (See the attached.) This was a month before it was placed in his 8th Edition. Brown
offered to correct any errors Austin could identify- or remove the entire endnote if Austin publicly
corrected the record. Austin ignored his offer. Unfortunately, 30,000 copies of that are now in print, not to
mention on the Internet. Many people are reading it. It contains your name.
I will be leaving for Africa tomorrow and will not return until July 25. Feel free to respond now if you
wish, some of my assistants are very familiar with the material and may be able to assist you and the
others that are receiving this preliminary letter. However, some matters may have to wait till I return.
Pastor Kevin Lea
  The above email was sent to a known good address for Dr. Whitmore. It did not
   bounce. The email was backed up by a certified letter sent to Dr. Whitmore’s
    mailing address. Dr. Whitmore has not responded to the email or the letter.
